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Sometimes back, I wrote about basic groups in Tally.ERP 9. Grouping of the ledger is very important for  finalisation of accounting reports. If you want to learn an ERP Softwre like Tally.ERP 9, you must understand basic of accountancy and how to create a ledger.

A balance sheet is nothing but a summary of various ledger balances on a given date which is grouped properly to give an easy understanding of the financial position of the origination.

Here is a rough idea about which ledger should be grouped under an appropriate category.

Below in BOLD is the name of group account and it displays which ledger should belong to it.

Capital Account: Consist of Owner/partner/share holders account

Loans Account: They are classified into secured and unsecured loan account.
Secured Loans are those which are secured against the mortgages of Assets/FDRs/investment etc. and a loan which is not secured is Grouped under unsecured loan account

Current Liability: It consist of sundry creditors (From whom a business unit purchase Goods/materials or avail services on credit), Advances received from Debtors is  a kind of liability

Provisions: The approximate amount of expenses that needs to be provided on a Given date is grouped under this account

Fixed Assets: It contains all assets like land, plant, machinery, equipment, vehicle, furniture etc.

Investment: FDRS, investment in share of other company, bond etc.

Deposit: Deposit with Telephone Department, Electricity board, bank or any Kind of deposits are grouped under this head

Sundry Debtors: It consists of advances made to Sundry creditors, goods sold to Customers on credit etc.

Loans and advances: Other kinds of recoverable in cash or kind such advances/loans given To staff, money recoverable from sundry creditors, advance tax paid etc.

The list is not exhaustive and it contains only some main group of the Balance Sheet.

Read How to Create Balance Sheet in Tally.ERP 9

After creating a new company in tally, you may view the in built default basic groups in Tally.ERP 9 by the following way

Go to the Main Menu

Accounts Info



you will see the list of groups in Tally.erp 9

If you belongs to a non-commerce background and wondering if you can learn the Accounting, then check my article on how an Art Student prepared her Balance Sheet with my help in less than 20minutess

30 thoughts on “Ledger Grouping in Tally | How to Group Ledgers in Tally.ERP 9

  1. Whast is the entry proceedure of Plant and machinery in tally,
    Should we issue its to deparment in which mahcinery is working.

    Pls provide me issued enrty of Plant and machinery

    1. Sandip,
      Are you referring to entry for purchase of plant and machinery ? and I don’t understand what do you mean by issue it to department where machinery is working ? or you are referring to grouping of plant and machinery ?

      1. Dear Sir,
        I have a doubt tally 7.2.
        For example,
        Opening Blance: Tender money deposit -2,51,200…
        Tender money deposit is received through Syndicate Bank -Rs.250000/- on 08/07/2010…
        How to make a entry for this??????
        Please clarify my doubt sir?????

  2. 1.Is it possible to sort of the spares part numbers during sales invoice entry list in ascending and descending order?

    2.Materials(A.C pipes used for drinking water pipe line) dispatched to government municipality also undertake civil work i.e earth work excavation, laying, jointing under refilling charges.In this transaction, value of materials, civil work charges should be shown in debit balance of the govt minicipal account and also the stock in hand at municipality whcih is not yet used under civil work how to do account
    Our requirement is stock at municipality every day value of materials and value of civil work should be shown in debit balance at municipality account

  3. Mohammad Shareef says:

    I have different Project and all contractor are different and I received payment from different Party all that I have to do under one company how to maintain that account of different Project Under one company in Tally accounting software ?

    1. Mohammad Shareef,
      You can manage all your project account in one company definitely.
      use job/project in Tally

      1. Mohammad Shareef says:

        Thank you very much mahendra sir, sir can u explain briefly…( i dont have much knowledge in tally) m using tally 7.2

  4. rahul nigam says:

    how to entry of this point purchase plant& machinery rs 16600 give reply first

  5. rahul nigam says:

    give the name of fixed assets group and current assets group and how to entry of this name

  6. Charanjeet Kaur says:


    Can you help me in learn of tally online means can you teach me tally in my mail id

    1. sardargovindsingh says:

      i am a professional in accountancy if u want to learn tally i ready to teach online

  7. subhashini says:

    helo sir,

    i have one house purchase in company name registration expense how to entry to tally

  8. Hell Sir,

    I want some information regarding materials issue to farm (Agriculture) so what type ledger create in under which head

  9. thanks a lot sir for providing us such matchless knowledge in such a simple word.
    cardinal thanks to you.!

  10. Dear sir,
    I am working in retail business company, and company is having some shop in mall, i want to create group for every shop under same tally, so can u guide me how i can create this group and under which group of accounts in tally.


  11. i have to deduct tds and make payment but i have directly made a payment but know i have to deduct tds from creditors from another payment what to do and how should be the entry in tally

  12. Dear Sir
    I am Privete School Accountatn
    I want How can manten Grant Account in Tally Erp
    Exampale : School Mantanace Grant Receive Rs. 5000
    Repering School Build Rs. 3500
    How can this Entry In tally
    Iwant Cloing Balance in School Grant Head.

  13. Manikandan says:

    I am in Private Company Jr.Account Excutive Sir
    Tally Erp 9 I Have used
     How  have created  in  ledger
     but Under in Head  how can i create  Correctly…?

  14. unable to find out the balance from group companies

  15. can any one reply soon VERY URGENT

  16. Sudhanshu Malwal says:

    Sir, how can i make a group like Hardware, but there is lost of screws 1″ , 2″, 3″ but at the end of stock taking i want a group Hardware shown on tally or also Screw’s type. Is it possible. & in purchase/sale entry i want the cost of goods is automatically appear which i entered in making of Opening stock item.

  17. Sudhanshu Malwal says:

    from where i can find the list of different groups like current liabilities, current assets, indirect income, indirect expenses, direct expenses, direct income.
    & please also tell me we are manufacturer of ceiling fan, we received some bills(purchase) there is freight forwarding charges or packaging & forwarding charges, in which head of accounts we enter this.

  18. sharma krishna says:

    dear sir I want to know that how change the date in tally erp9 dowloaded from site but using in educational mode there only three dates possible pls help me
    thanx in advance

  19. dear sir,

    i want some of your ideas in this. i have a one depot and 3 shops and one tally company. have create a 3 shops ledger as a sundry debtors. m purchasing in company and selling it to d 3 shops. can anybody tell me is this correct method of keeping account or should i create a 3 different companies for 3 shops. can anybody help me in this.

  20. Im seema, working in service sector, we purchase equipment and same thing we will give for rental. for eg: 10 systems we purchase and same 10 will give it for rental on i using tally ERP 9.0, every quarterly i need to raise invoice for 10 systems, i tried but it shows negative stock, in accounting voucher im not able to enter the quantity and rate.. Please help me out of it

  21. kartik mehta says:

    i have purchased a machinery (Dye) of Rs 30000 say from abc traders i have paid 15000 in advance through cheque and rest of the amount is also paid by me through cheque . whether i have to enter it in purchase, payment or journal voucher . Abc traders for me is a sundry creditor or not as i have purchased the machinery in cash but paid in installment . should i directly debit the machinery and credit the cash. how machinery will be shown under fixed assets. please help.

  22. k.parthasarathi says:

    i have in income and expenditure statement grants received in contract work, how treat in tally for leadger creation under which head and how to posting entry sir, please slow the problem as early as possible

  23. Sir I have given fright in advance what is the group of advance

  24. joel lewis says:

    my company does not deal with goods, rather we get approvals for clients for their projects.
    So i need to enter invoices and payments receipts under clients and against projects.
    There are multiple clients and each client has multiple projects. Please help me on how to move forward with this.

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