Please note that the project sub form shown here is only for a demonstration purpose and you don’t have to run your Tally in the developer mode! To find out the default definitions you have to look for a key word from Tally and then go to Tally developer use Control +D and search for that keyword and follow the steps as shown in the earlier chapter in led contact details .
To find out the default definitions in stock item master, please refer the unit 1, module 4.
If you are using Tally developer release 6.6.1 or above then you will not find out the .500 file name. Because Folder name and file name are changed in Tally developer 6.6.1 and above. you will have to find out the main file
which are like masters/ledgers, masters/stkitem and inside that fodler there is a top main file from which you can find out the report file which is the replacement for the earlier .500 files.
For a quick reference stkitemreport.tdl under the master/stkitem stkmain.tdl is the default report file which was earlier stkitem.500 file
66 thoughts on “How to retrieve the Field Value using Storage Name/UDF Name”
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sir i have done this coding as per video but it is showing error in TDL
plz check whats the error
[#Part:Led contact]
Add: Line: ledmasterline: Retrive opening line
[Line: Retrive opening line]
Field: medium prompt, opbalfld
Local: Field: medium prompt: Set as:”opening balance is rs”
[Field: opbalfld]
Use: amount field
Set as: $openingbalance
You need to read and try to understand the error. Please post your error message here.
and when a code doesn’t work you need to review the course chapter/video again. May be it is just a small error. a careful review of your code can help you to sort out issues on your own.
[#Part:Led contact]
Add: Line: ledmasterline: Retrive opening line
Here you used : instead of a , between the two lines
it should be
[#Part:Led contact]
Add: Line: ledmasterline, Retrive opening line
hello sir,
i have write these codes to fetch units automatically from master in stock item ledger
but it not showing any result…plz check where is the error
[#Part: STKI Units]
Add:Line: retrive units
[Line:retrive units]
Field: medium prompt, units field
Local:Field:medium prompt:Set as:$$LocaleString:”unit of item”
[Field:units field]
Use:symbol field
Set as: $baseunits
Giridharan varadharajan
I want to know the following from you, which I think is very vital in TDL Development
1. How to Open Tally In Developer mode. Only then we know what is default name we are searching for. Then only we can with Developer help locate the exact.
2.assume that we have located the field in Tally developer, then how to find out its Line, part, form in its higher hierarchy from field level.
It if get some clarity on the above, then it will be very easy.
Please help me in this regard.
Giridharan Varadharajan
Hello Giridharan,
Yes, there are multiple ways to find out the default definitions in Tally TDL.
There are 4 chapters on the same subject. Easiest way to do is to run the tally in the Developer mode and there is a tutorial also on how to run the Tally in the Developer mode. You will get them in the next chapters.
But learning something new in the hard way is a better approach thats why I kept those chapters later as I don’t want to give an easy way to students.
Once they learn it in the hard way, they will be better to do hard ways else if they get the things easily, they will lose the interest. Also the real passionate will continue.
Giridharan Varadharajan
I have attached the output & code for retrieving the default storage-ledger Opening balance in my folder.
for your information.
Giridharan Varadharajan
[#Part: ledcontact]
Add: Line :After :ledmasterline : retrive openingline
[Line : retrive openingline]
Field: medium prompt, opbalfd
Local: Field:medium prompt: Set as:”opening balance is Rs.”
[Field: opbalfd]
Use: amount field
Set as: $openingbalance
as u say i done coding but nothing happen in my tally erp9
i am facing error
its error in tdl
incorrect type of field!
conflict with storage!
[#Part: LedContact]
Add: Line: After: LedMasterline: Retrive Openingline
[Line: Retrive Openingline]
Field: Medium Prompt, opBalfld
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Set as: “Opening Balance is Rs.”
[Field: opBalFld]
Use: Amount Field
Set as: $OpeningBalance
sir please help me out
hwy this code is not working ?
but first resolve the issue that why i am not able to see comment
Sir, I have one doubt.
I can execute tally from developer. But it couldnt work in developer mode, and its not showing the definition name of the pointing field, like yours.
That simply means the Tally is not running in the Developer mode. If it is running in the developer mode then it will 100% show the default definitions.
But right now you accessing the Field Retrival value so you don’t need to run Tally in the developer mode. There are other chapters for running the Tally in The developer which you can refer.
The reason is that just by executing the tally through right click in the Tally developer doesn’t meant that Tally will run in the Developer mode. It will run Tally with or without the developer mode.
;stckitem level
[#Part: STKI Units]
Add:Line:After:STKI BaseUOM:STKI QTY
;sumbform in entry level
[#Line : EI ColumnOne]
Add : Option : EI ColumnOneOpt : @@IsSales
[!Line : EI ColumnOneOpt]
Add : Right Fields : Before : VCH QtyTitle : VCH BOXQTY
Local : Field : VCH BOXQTY : Info : “QTY IN BOX”
Local : Field : VCH BOXQTY : Color : Red
[Field : VCH BOXQTY]
Set as:” ”
Set Always : Yes
Style : Small Bold
Width : 2.5 cms
Align : Right
[#Line : EI InvInfo]
Add : Option : EI InvInfoOpt : @@IsSales
[!Line : EI InvInfoOpt]
Add : Right Fields : Before : VCH BilledQty : VCHBOXQTYVAL
Style : Small Bold
Width : 2.5 cms
Align : Right
Set as :$QTYINBOX:StockItem:$StockItemName
This is my code but the value in item master is storing but not in sales invoice the value is not fetching from master
Save your codes in the Dropbox, I will check that in evening and revert back to you
;stckitem level
[#Part: STKI Units]
Add:Line:After:STKI BaseUOM:STKI QTY
;sumbform in entry level
[#Line : EI ColumnOne]
Add : Right Fields : Before : VCH QtyTitle : medium prompt,
Local:Field:medium prompt:Set as:”QTY IN BOX”
Local:Field:medium prompt:Align:Right
Local:Field:medium prompt:Width:2.5 cms
[#Line : EI InvInfo]
Add : Right Fields : Before : VCH BilledQty : VCHBOXQTYVAL
Style : Small Bold
Width : 2.5 cms
Align : Right
Set as :$QTYINBOX:StockItem:$StockItemName
I did not find the subform in Tally Developer to find out the default definition of field?
Please help me..
sir please help me out from this problem
sir i’m not be able to get the value in day book which is put in the sales voucher…..
this is my code.
[#Line: DBTITLE1]
Add : Fields :After :DSPVchAcctTitle: TC_MARGIN
Use : Name Title Field
Info : $$LocaleString:”Margin”
Style : Normal Bold
Width : @@ShortNameWidth
[#Line: DSP VchDetail]
Add: Right Field: Before : DSP VchType :TC_MARGINAMOUNT1
Use : Name Field
Set as: $…Margin ;:VoucherType:$VoucherTypeName
Style : Normal
Set Always:Yes
Width : 15
;;============================================ voucher level ========================================================
[#Line: EI ColumnOne]
Option : EIColumnOne1:@@IsSales
[!Line : EIColumnOne1]
Add : Right Field : Before : VCH QtyTitle :TC_MARGINTITLE
Use : Name Title Field
Set as : “Margin”
Style : Normal Bold
Skip : Yes
Width : 12
[#Line: EI InvInfo]
Option : EIInvInfo1:@@ISSales
[!Line : EIInvInfo1]
Add : Right Field : Before : VCH BilledQty :TC_MARGINAMOUNT
Use : Name Field
Style : Normal Bold
Width : 15
Align : Center
Margin : String : 2121
Hello Rani,
I have observed that you are not studying the course chapters and unless you study them, you can’t learn it.
Also, even through no matter how much I wish, It is not possible to offer support for projects beyond the course chapters.
But if you follow the course, you will learn those art. The reason is that in TDL one solutions doesn’t work for every projects and that is the reason, I insist everyone to study every project and learn the art of solving problems.
You need to add the collections or modify a collection and add the UDF to that collections.
Adding UDF to the collections is already explained in some chapters.
Use : Name Field
Set as: $Margin
Style : Normal
Set Always:Yes
Width : 15
i had try this one also…….
I want stock items allocations link
please help me out
i did not find any sub form in my tally developer nine
Please guide me to turn on that function
Hello Aalap,
In the chapter no where I mentioned to create any sub form!
Just read the course cahpter and try to undersand and if you have any queries, please do let me know what issues you are having exactly?
but creating a sub form is not a part of this chapter!
[#Part : ledcontact]
Add : Line :after : ledmasterline : retrive openingline
[Line : retrive openingline]
Field : medium propmt, opening balance
Local : Field : medium prompt : Set as :”opening balance is”
[Field : opening balance]
Use : Amount Field
Set as : $OpeningBalance
hi sir,
please see the above code what error. its not showing in tally.
Check your codes again and compare with the course chapter carefully
Where is the ledmasterline? Is it defined in your code? if not then remove this line and test it again.
how to take the tally screen shot for uploading purpose. plz guide me
[#Part: STKI Units]
add: Lines :after :STKI BaseUOM :myunit
[Line: my unit]
Fields : my unit
[Field: my unit]
Use : Symbol Field
set as :$BaseUnits
Set Always: yes
Hello Sir,
In ledger master opening balance fetch but when i want to other ledger’s details fetch instead of opening Balance then value does not shows or fetch.
This is my code….
[#Part: LED Contact]
Add : Line : LedOpnBlnce ,LedTransactionTyp ,LedgerBankName, LedgerAccountNo, LedIFSC
[Line: LedOpnBlnce]
Fields : Medium Prompt, Name Field, Led FetchOpnBlnce
Local : Field : Medium Prompt : Set as : $$LocaleString:”Opening Balance”
Local : Field : Name Field : Set as : $OpeningBalance
Local : Field : Name Field : Width : @@NumberWidth
Local : Field : Name Field : Format : “AllSymbols,NoZero”
Local : Field : Default : Color : Blue
[Field: LED FetchOpnBlnce]
Use : Amount DrCr Field
Set as : $OpeningBalance
Skip : Yes
Format : “NoZero”
[Line: LedTransactionTyp]
Fields : Medium Prompt, Name Field
Local : Field : Medium Prompt : Set as : $$LocaleString:”Transaction Type”
Local : Field : Name Field : Set as : $DefaultTransactionType
Local : Field : Default : Color : Blue
[Line: LedgerBankName]
Fields : Medium Prompt, Name Field
Local : Field : Medium Prompt : Set as : $$LocaleString:”Bank name”
Local : Field : Name Field : Set as : $BankName
Local : Field : Default : Color : Blue
[Line: LedgerAccountNo]
Fields : Medium Prompt, Name Field
Local : Field : Medium Prompt : Set as : $$LocaleString:”A/c no.”
Local : Field : Name Field : Set as : $AccountNumber
Local : Field : Default : Color : Blue
[Line: LedIFSC]
Fields : Medium Prompt, Name Field
Local : Field : Medium Prompt : Set as : $$LocaleString:”IFSC”
Local : Field : Name Field : Set as : $IFSCode
Local : Field : Default : Color : Blue
Exactly what you want to do? i am unable to understand it.
Instead of writing code can you simply explain me exactly what you are trying to do?
i want ledger’s bank details but nothing to show in my created fields.
which is also in ledger’s master
sir, please reply…..
That Chapter is about to fetch the field value from the same ledger. It is not about fetching value from any other ledger or from anything else!
That chapter is not about to retrieve the value from another ledger!
One single solutions doesn’t work in every case! and every solutions you can’t learn from one single chapter.
There are 1000 thing which no one can learn in one single chapter. that too just in starting of the course!
You do a project, test it and your project should be related to that course chapter only! and then move to the next unit to understand it better and move to the next unit!
Add:Line: opening bal
[Line:opening bal]
Field:MEDIUM PROMPT,balance
Local:Field:MEDIUM PROMPT :Set as:”ledger opening balance”
Use : Amount Field
Storage : $OpeningBalance
not work
[#Part: STKI Units]
Add:Line:Mirror Line
[Line: Mirror Line]
Field: Short Prompt, Flash Unit Field,
Local: Field: Short Prompt: Info: $$LocaleString:”Miror Units”
Local: Field: Short Prompt: Color: Red
[Field: Flash Unit Field]
Use: Number Field
Set as:#BaseUnits
Set Always: Yes
Skip: Yes
;; Master unit not Retrive in the Flash Unit Field
Screenshot Attached
Dear sir,
pls tell us how we get default Part or line definition for modifying and new field?
in last project we have added Date of Birth in ledger master where[ part :led contact] you have already informed.
like that please help us how we get right predefined part, line etc.
dear sir
I am Completed moudule 3, unit 5,
1) I am Not able to open Tally in devoloper mode,
2) I am trying to solve Question #3, but I am not able understand the questions.
Sir, I have a question…What should we do to set UDF Short Prompt Box at desired place? i.e. if I want to place UDF Box below Alias or beside Item Name…I wrote code guided by you, it shows retrieved value at bottom
Also you shown in vid modifying Part area where as I started with modifier Form…as below: then how to know part should be modified or form? Warm Regards
[#Form: Stock Item]
Part: U
[Part: U]
Line: UNT
[Line: UNT]
Field: Short Prompt, UNTNM
Local: Field: Short Prompt :Set as: “UNT Name”
[Field: UNTNM] ;;Sir, here it showing at bottom…what if I want this exact below Alise or beside Item Name???
Use: Symbol Field
Set as: $BaseUnits
Background : Yellow
Hello sir,
I am unable to find the field, name for coding please help me out here.
Dear sir,
I unable to find a field,
in stock item master.
please guide me to do it.
Sir, I had completed assignment of this unit.
Video is not playing
I am not able to go to next section.
how we will know default part name
Dear Sir,
I am not able to find out default definition.
Please help.
Dear Sir,
Please check below codes and let me know what correction/improvement is required :
[#Part: STKI Units]
Add:Line:STKI Unit
[Line: STKI Unit]
Fields : Short Prompt, STKI Unit Field,Fld2
Local : Field : Short Prompt : Info : $$LocaleString:”Units New”
I think I had reviewed your online assignment and I didn’t noticed any issue.
So, there is nothing wrong in your project. If still you feel for any issue then you can tell me about that.
How Can add field in item master ?
I have write code as you shown
but not working…
what to do..
and i also want to know process that you find the field storage name “opening balance ” and “opBalFld”
You need to tell me what is not working. just by telling that something is not working, I can’t get the idea.
Please share the screen shot of what output you are getting to my whatsApp.
Also all these chapters are done by most of the students so there is no reason that it will not work only for you.
When your code doesn’t work, you need to re check your code again and again and also you need to compare your codes with the chapter.
To learn code, most important thing is not to learn code but to have a good reading and writing ability and comparing the codes.
Only then you can solve issues.
So, please check your codes 4-5 times, line by line, and code by code.
All of us do mistakes while writing codes and that time a strong habit of reading and comparing our codes again and again can only help us to solve a problem.
If you don’t develop such habit, then you can’t learn TDL or any other coding.
and I am unable to understand what do you mean by finding the opBalFld and opening balance?
There are chapters ahead through which you will learn how to find out the default definitions.
opBalFld was a custom field developed by me so, you don’t have to find out that. Here I am really confusing why you need to find out that field!!
Thank you Mahendra sir for quick replay and any time support, really great wonderful class
sir i am not able to doing this chapter-5 (Module 3) please help once.
how to run tally in developer mode
Hello, I am getting the following error:
[#Part: STKI Basic]
Add: Line: My Stock Unit
[Line: My Stock Unit]
Field: Medium Prompt, My STKI Unit
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Set as: “Stock Unit”
[Field: My STKI Unit]
Set as: $BaseUnits
Use : Symbol Field
Please help
Solved successfully!
;; [#Part: STKI Basic] ;; Displays ERROR
;; [#Part: MSTAliasMode] ;; Adds “Stock Unit” on both, Stock Item Master & Ledger Master
[#Part: STKI Units]
Add: Line: My Stock Unit
[Line: My Stock Unit]
Field: Short Prompt, My STKI Unit
Local: Field: Short Prompt: Set as: “Stock Unit”
Local: Field: Short Prompt: Width : @@ShortNameWidth
[Field: My STKI Unit]
Set as: $BaseUnits
Use : Symbol Field
In Module 3, I think you do not need to find out the default defintions.
Default defintions are containted in Module 4
Akash Sharma’
Hello Sir, I have uploaded a file to my folder in dropbox named stock master field UDF kindly check and let me know if its correct, and if the code is correct.
quetion 2 [line:My Line ]
field : Name Field, Mediam Promt , Jitni Bar Likenge Etni Field Banti He Buy Aapne Canfuse Kar Diya
Please message in chat will need Anydesk to understand what is the issue.
Super Worth to join here for TDL course
even if i taken online live video class also i cannot able to this much level by one day
every unit is learning well
i am shocked that i am done STKI Item project and learned
thanks for that test
first i struggle where i need to get the define name for Stock item after that i got idea we can select the field name based on that name i search the line name based on name i searched the part name and successfully done this test
thanks for teaching very easily to all
Thank you so much and I am really impressed to see you are learning with a passion and dedication. I saw you studying the course yesterday mid night.
These types of dedications can never be deafeted.
Module 3, unit 5, video not playing.
[Part: LedContact]
Add: Line: After: LedMasterLine: Retrieve OpeningLine
[Line: Retrieve OpeningLine]
Field: Medium Prompt, OpBalFld
Local: Field: Medium Prompt: Set as: “Opening Balance is Rs.”
[Field: OpBalFld]
Use: Amount Field
Set as: $OpeningBalance
[Field: LED Opening]
Use: Amount Field
Storage: Opening Balance
Showing error: error T0009: Part: LED Contact is a duplicate defination already defined in \src\master\ledger\ledgerreport.tdl(566)
Solved above code successfully, posted on Dropbox
Hi Sir,
Not able to view Video “How to retrieve field value using the storage name or UDF name”
Module 3 Unit 5 and 6
Pls guide
Please contact Priya 917227900875