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Please do not request for support for Tally installation on Mac.  We are unable to offer any personal free or paid help for this purpose. All we have this article only. So, please do not call us, Do not message/email us for support on this request.


Are you an Apple Mac Lover like me? Are you a Tally lover like me? ok! let’s enjoy the power of the two tool and install Tally.ERP 9 on Mac which isn’t that hard thing to do.

Apple is known for a combination of best hardware and Software. It says that you never need to 
install an Antivirus software in your Apple laptop. There are many awesome features due to 
which people love to use an Apple instead of a Windows system. 

I read a lot about the performance of Apple MacBook and In the year of 2014,
I decided to buy an Apple Macbook Air and I got an awesome piece of this lovely 
Apple Macbook Air laptop from the leading online Portal Amazon in The Month of August 2014. 
Once I started to use Apple Mac, I never looked back to windows system It is such an awesome Laptop and I am so happy for my decision to buy the Apple mac. A whopping 10 Hour battery life with Every mac is so amazing that I can work without worrying for charging my battery!So, a Mac system is awesome in every way but the problem is that not all the applications or software runs with a mac OS. This is not the fault of the Apple Mac. In fact, a developer develops a software keeping in view the large section of the users who are using a particular OS and undoubtedly, windows is the most popular OS so, most of the software runs keeping the compatibility of the windows OS. But there are so many experts who make it possible to do anything and we are very thankful to those guys who puts a lot of efforts in research, testing and then helping us to do things. I am a person who has to use Tally.ERP 9 and Tally TDL all the time so, I don't want to leave my mac so, I learned how to install Tally.ERP 9 in a MacBook Laptop system. Recently answering a question at Quora about How to Install Tally.ERP 9 Mac, I promised someone that I write a detaield tutorails on this subject so any one can intall it. I will walk you through the entire process and at the end of the process, you will be able to install Tally.ERP 9 on your mac without anybody's help.

STEP 1 : Install Xcode

Install Xcode in your mac. by Default, this software is already preinstalled when you buy a new  mac  If it is not installed then go to Apple store and download this software. Xcode is available for every mac user for free of cost. You do not need to understand much about Xcode if you just want to concentrate  working Tally.ERP 9 in your mac laptop. However, If you want to know more about, Xcode is a wonderful compiler for any mac user.

Step 2: Install HomeBrew| Install Tally.ERP 9 on Mac

HomeBrew is a package manager which helps in installing large size of software  without any hassle. Without a package manager, it is very difficult to install a software like Wine which is needed to run windows Application in a mac environment. HomeBrew is super easy to install. Just open the Terminal application in your mac and copy paste this command in the terminal.

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" 

and press enter.
If you don't know how to paste the command in your Terminal then move your curser to the command prompt
and then simply press Control + v and paste enter.

You don't need to worry about anything. The terminal will show you what it is going to do. 
It will also ask your permission to install the software.

After installation if homeBrew will ask you to install any additional software then go ahead and install them.

Step 3: Install Wine | install Tally.ERP 9 on Mac


Wine is the software which helps  us to install and run windows application on a mac system.

There is an excellent guide to how to install Wine in a MacBook
Please follow that guide along with this tutorials. 

Once you install the wine only then you will be able to install Tally.ERP 9 and or Tally TDL software in 
your MacBook Laptop.

From your command prompt type brew install wine and hit enter

It will install the wine software in your apple

It may take little or longer time. Even more then an hour. So, far it is downloading, installing softwares, 
you do not need to worry or interupt the process.

Note: If you get an error message at this step that reads error: C compiler cannot create executables or Failed to locate 'make' in path, it means you forgot to install Xcode, or it installed incorrectly.

So, In that case, install the Xcode once again.


Once the Wine is installed successfully, you are ready to install Tally.ERP and or Tally Developer IDE.


Download the Tally.ERP 9 installation file in your Desktop in Mac.


The file name should be setup.exe.

Now, in your terminal, issue the below command

cd  /Desktop and press enter

It will take you to inside the Desktop Directory where your setup.exe file exists.

Now, issue another command wine setup.exe

The Normal Tally.ERP 9 set up dialogue will appear. Follow the on-screen installation process/instructions.


PRO-TIP : Install Tally.ERP 9 in a separate new Folder

Create a new folder in your desktop Director like Tally9 and then install the software in that directory.


Within  a couple of minutes the Tally.ERP 9 software will installed in your Apple Mac software

Now, you need to learn how to start the Tally.exe (Tally software) from your MacBook

Go to the directory file in your terminal where you installed the Tally.ERP 9 say if you installed it in the directory  /Desktop/Tally9 then issue the command cd /Desktop/Tally9

The Terminal will take you inside that directory and your command prompt will look like this


Now issue this simple command wine tally.exe  and The Tally.ERP 9 will run with your Apple MacBook without any issue.

Enjoy the power of two powerful great things e.g. Best Hardware of Mac and Best software of Tally.ERP 9

install Tally.ERP 9 on Mac


Of course, you can keep a Tally.ERP 9  icon in your DOC so you won’t need to issue  the command through Terminal.



Please do not request for support for Tally installation on Mac.  We are unable to offer any personal free or paid help for this purpose. All we have this article only. So, please do not call us, Do not message/email us for support on this request.


50 thoughts on “How to Install Tally.ERP 9 on Apple Mac Laptop

  1. Dear Sir,
    I am using Tally ERP9 on Window with Parallel tools.
    can it be used without window software with your instructions ,as i want to uninstall windows from my macbook.
    thanks in for your help.
    Ashish Joshi
    Ved Engineers

  2. hi tally installed successfully AS multi user gold client system

    licence is working but i cannot access data folder which is on server machine which is running windows os
    i tried various options for the path \\server\ data or smb://server/ip/data nothing worked how do i fix this issue

    i can see shared data folder on my mac but through tally i cant get it connected


    1. Hello Jags,

      In your Tally Data directory Set the path of the server data folder file and see if you can access the same

    2. Yes I do have the same problem, tally doesn’t recognise the data folder on mac. Mr.Mahendra could you pls suggest a solution.

      1. Hi, have u found a solution to this problem yet?

  3. I am using mac pro. Following your instructions for installing tally, I have reached up to wine installation and down loaded Tally 9 release 5.4.6
    I get stuck at this point. Please advise how to proceed with installation

    Last login: Mon Oct 24 12:02:06 on ttys000
    Gokulams-MacBook-Pro:~ gokulam$ cd /desktop
    -bash: cd: /desktop: No such file or directory
    Gokulams-MacBook-Pro:~ gokulam$ cd /Desktop
    -bash: cd: /Desktop: No such file or directory
    Gokulams-MacBook-Pro:~ gokulam$ wine install.exe
    wine: cannot find L”C:\\windows\\system32\\install.exe”
    Gokulams-MacBook-Pro:~ gokulam$

  4. Unable to install tally on mac. I am getting stuck at this point. Can you please let me know how to move forward. I am pasting the error message for your easy reference

    Last login: Mon Oct 24 12:33:26 on ttys000
    Gokulams-MacBook-Pro:~ gokulam$ cd /Desktop
    -bash: cd: /Desktop: No such file or directory
    Gokulams-MacBook-Pro:~ gokulam$ cd /Desktop
    -bash: cd: /Desktop: No such file or directory
    Gokulams-MacBook-Pro:~ gokulam$ wine setup.exe
    wine: cannot find L”C:\\windows\\system32\\setup.exe”
    Gokulams-MacBook-Pro:~ gokulam$

    1. Hello,
      Just wanted to know … a bit late, but still … did you succeed in installing the Tally.ERP9 software on apple mac os following the procedure as given by Mr Mahendra. Are you able to print from within tally ? If yes, will then try to install the XCode 4.5GB, Homebrew & Wine. … I use Wineskin Winery … without the other softwares, but printing is a problem … so before using up the bandwith to download the softwares listed here, wanted a clarity on the printing from tally option. Hope you will be able to revert with the required details. Thanks much, Bimal

  5. Dear Sir,

    I am a businessman and am using tally on my desktop and 1 laptop as well. i wanted to know if i install tally as per he above process will the data get synced between all the 3 devices??

    1. Hello
      It depends on the AN/RDP you are using to connect to the server.
      Generally, the data is being stored in the server in one system only and in a multi-user environment, the other devices are just connecting to the server means they don’t’ store any data locally so the question of syncing doesn’t arise unless you store the data in the individual machine.

  6. Hello Mr.Mahendra,
    thank you for the article, I’m getting stuck at a point when i click the setup.exe file and it keeps saying Creating and going on endlessly without completion.
    Pl suggest what i am missing in this installation process

  7. please give solution for this error.

    Internal error. contact tally solutions.
    software exception c0000005
    (memory access violation)

  8. With these steps of installing Tally.ERP9 on apple mac OS X, kindly clarify the following:
    * Is it possible to print the vouchers from within Tally?
    * Is it possible to export data in *.xls/*.xlsx format from Tally?

    The reason for me to ask these questions are that I use Tally.ERP9, multi-user license on my mac through a app called Wineskin. The only problem I have faced is being unable to print directly from within Tally.ERP9. I would have to export it as a pdf and then print the pdf.

    Appreciate your response and the time taken to detail the steps to get this software to work on a apple mac os.


    1. yes, you can export them in pdf/xlx etc if you have the Microsoft Office installed in your mac.
      Sorry for the late reply

    2. Thank you for the reply.

      Could you please clarify if your are able to print directly the sales voucher to a attached printer/network printer from the Tally software within Wine on a Apple Mac OS … as you would do in Windows?

      Thanks, Bimal

      1. I don’t have a printer so, I can’t test and confirm that.
        Once I have the printer, I will test and let you know.
        Since Mac, I am using mostly for the TDL and customisation purpose, I rarely need the printing facilities.

  9. swapnil moharil says:

    internal error. contact tally solutions

    software exception c0000005
    (memory access violation)

  10. Varun kapoor says:

    Hi i have followed the instructions but there is issue as below

    wine: cannot find L”C:\\windows\\system32\\tally.exe”

    How to resolve this issue. Please help.

    1. Saurabh Kulkarni says:

      @ Vaurn : did you got the solution this I am also facing same issue

  11. I ve successfully installed Tally ERP9 in my mac, I can see the data folder on my desktop but unable to connect thru tally.

  12. Sagar Sawant says:

    I have installed wine but not able to install tally after that it kept saying this Sagars-MBP:~ Sagar$ cd/Desktop
    -bash: cd/Desktop: No such file or directory
    please help

    Thank You

  13. Sagar Sawant says:

    I am not able to install tally after installing wine… It kept saying that Sagars-MBP:~ Sagar$ cd/Desktop
    -bash: cd/Desktop: No such file or directory

    please reply
    thanks sir

  14. Hi!
    I am done till change directory to desktop. This is what I get….
    Anand-3:~ anandkatgaonkar$ cd /Users/anandkatgaonkar
    Anand-3:~ anandkatgaonkar$ wine setup.exe
    wine: cannot find L”C:\\windows\\system32\\setup.exe”

    Help appreciated.

  15. Atul Lakhotia says:


    I am able to install Tally, but it does not connect to the Gateway server. Hence cannot reactivate my license. Pls advise.


  16. Dheer Shah says:

    hi i installed tally following the steps mentioned. i am able to run it too.
    we have a tally license but its the companies. its on the server. so is all the data. how do i access all the server data and install the license? if i can run the tally on the server, that will also work. but how do i add a path for it to run?

    1. You may add a data path pointing to your servername/data directory. Here you just need to be able to identify your server system name/data directory

  17. Natasha Lopez says:

    The blog is not porperly formatted and since right click is disabled as well so I am unable to see what is mentioned beyond the white background or i would have atleast copied and put it on a word doc or something. Please help so i can atleast see the complete instructions to do this.

  18. Sandheep Menon says:

    I installed Tally ERP 9 Version 6.02 on my MacBook Air using WineBottler. It is able to search and find the License Server on my intranet however it is throwing Error 407 saying Unable to connect to Gateway Server. Can you think of a possible cause? Thank You.

    1. Did you able to find out a solution to this problem? I am also stuck here.

  19. how can i create a shortcut like windows and in my mac everytime i run tally.exe, its asking for activation otherwise it will land in educational mode. kindly help how to run tally like we do in windows without activating everytime. thanks

  20. I am getting error “Failed to open input file – C:\winebottler\capsules\41293-00003.cap” while printing GSTR 3B on macbook. Any Idea how to fix this?

  21. Ketan Sachdev says:

    Sir I have installed tally by using wine. Its working absolutely fine. But i am not able to open the company directory which is in windows pc as server. Neither it is being opened in directory of pendrive.

  22. Saurabh Kulkarni says:


    I am trying to install tally on my MacBook Pro, I have successfully completed with installing Xcode and Homebrew. While installing tally [wine: cannot find L”C:\\windows\\system32\\tally.exe”] message is displaced.

    Need you help to understanding on how to proceed further to install tally now

    Looking forward

    1. Hello, Saurabh,

      Support is not avialable for Tally installation on mac.

      1. How to restore back-up of a company after launching the software?

    2. Vigneshwaran says:

      The path of the installation file setup.exe might be different!! Kindly check where it is available?

  23. Chaitanya K Nerella says:

    Sir ,

    I am using tally in my office desktop on windows 7. Can i use the backup from it on my macbook pro ??

  24. hi, i have installed wine successfully after following the given 3 stes. after tht i have also downloaded the tally setu.exe on deskto in my mac pro. i tired giving the command cd/Desktop, but it shows the following error:-bash: cd/Desktop: No such file or directory

    can anyone guide me for the same.

  25. Is this virus free?

  26. That’s a great article am looking for. Thanks for your effort…

  27. Raj Desai says:

    For anybody who is trying to find out where the ‘C://’ drive in your mac is, do the following:
    (Note – The steps below assume you have installed wine and tally properly and everything is working fine but you cannot find the’ C://’ directory)

    – In terminal go to your root folder using the command `cd`
    – Put the command `cd .wine` (Your terminal will say something like ‘/.wine:’)
    – Put the command `cd c_directory’ (‘/.wine/c_directory:’)
    – now put the command `open .` This should open the folder for the ‘C://’ drive in your Finder.

  28. I got stuck at the command cd /Desktop it shows there are no such directory please sir help
    Chat start
    cannot find L”C:\\windows\\system32\\setup.exe”
    it shows this problem please help stuck at this point
    please help

    1. Hello Harshit,

      In the article how to instally Tall.ERP 9 on Mac, We clearly mentioned that Support for Tally installation on Mac is not available.

      You have to solve the issue on your own. It is just an article to help people to do things on their own.

  29. Thanks for the detailed blog. I was able to install and run Tally.
    The problem is every time I close Tally, it throws an error saying – Tally has caused error and then the shortcut in the dock also disappears. only the wine64-preloader remains and that too just tells me the session has been terminated.
    So every time I want to start Tally… I have to change directories and issue the command through terminal.
    Is there a way out of this?

    Thanks in advance

  30. Manikandan says:

    I am able to Install Tally…But I am unable to connect to the gateway server…Please help !!!!

  31. rahul aggarwal says:

    Showing Error
    Updating files: 100% (5240/5240), done.
    Tapped 2 commands and 4997 formulae (5,265 files, 319.2MB).
    Error: No available formula with the name “wine”
    ==> Searching for a previously deleted formula (in the last month)…
    Error: No previously deleted formula found.
    ==> Searching for similarly named formulae…
    These similarly named formulae were found:
    twine-pypi winetricks winexe
    To install one of them, run (for example):
    brew install twine-pypi
    ==> Searching taps…
    ==> Searching taps on GitHub…
    Error: No formulae found in taps.

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