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I have written about voucher entry configuration few days back

In tally, you can write narration for each single entry however look the following screen shot !

how you will write narration for these entries as one single entry consist multiple debit account

Here is all three difference transactions were incurred by one voucher hence all the three transactions will be accounted through one single cash payment entry instead of 3 separate entry. This help saving of time avoid undue labor work but the point to remember that it should contain separate narration for each transactions otherwise you can not justify the the proper details of transactions through one single narration.

So, question is how to write separate narration for each entry, In tally it is known as multi narration

to enable multi narration follow this procedure

Go to main menu of tally and then click

Accounts Info

now click on Voucher type

click on alter

Select Payment

Set Narration for each entry to ‘yes’

accept the screen by CTRL +A

now recall the voucher we have already made as above or enter an another voucher as explained above

Now you can write narration for each transactions as shown below

Similar process can be followed for multi narration for Journal entry, receipt voucher contra etc.

Do write back to me if you need further information or face any problem

5 thoughts on “how to write multi narration in tally.erp

  1. Jomar Garcia says:

    i can print the entry it mentioned when i print

    insufficient hieght to allocate…how can i adjust the setting for mr to be able to print the entry thank you very much

    1. Jomar Garcia
      tell me what exactly you are doing ?
      have you set up any TDL, if yes, than do deactivate it and try else do revert back with your Tally.erp 9 serial number

  2. how to Create Extra long Narration in Tally Vouchers

  3. deepak joshi says:

    am not getting check no as default in contra,payment or in receipt voucher when bank name is mentioned

  4. sathish.chennai says:

    thank you sir it is very useful for me

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