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Few days, back I write about employee master creation in tally.erp 9 for payroll processing. However we have yet to go a long way and today,I will explain to you how to create attendance  master in Tally.ERP 9.

Creating Attendance master is very important without which you will not be able to keep track of days attended by an employee or manpower absent data, leave data.So, using this facility will serve a complete payroll processing in Tally.ERP 0

Before you go ahead, you should have a look  how to use payroll in tally

Go to the main menu of tally i.e. payment gateway and then select payroll info


you will see below screen. now select Attendance /production types

Now click to create (means create a new attendance type)

Enter the name of attendance you want to create for e.g. days attended, absent, sick leave, paid or privileges leave,casual leave ,leave without pay, weekly off , public holidays etc.

Here I will create an attendance master namely Days that is the days attended by an employee for which he /she is eligible to get salary/wages

Select primary as under

now you will see the screen and will be asked to choose the appropriate option from tpop-up up .

Select Attendance /leave with pay

Attendance /Leave with pay : Select this option for all type of attendance for which you want to pay to salary to employees

let’s say an employee is eligible to get the salary for days attended by him/her.

it is eligible for leave duly sanctioned by the management.

it is eligible for weekly off and all the national and notified public holidays

leave without pay  : Select this option for absent days, leave without authorization etc .Simply the attendance for which you don’t want to pay, you can select this option.

you may change this option at any time

Production and user defined calendar type , I will explain you some other time. mainly it is used if you want to pay overtime or the  criteria based on production achieved by the staff.

The first two methods are widely used by units so at the moment it is enough to understand this two basic method

now accept the screen and all done!

If you feel that article useful and you want to use tally’s payroll feature, then you should also read how to do payroll entry in tally

Don’t forget to come back for further reading.

17 thoughts on “attendance master in tally.erp 9

  1. vishvanath says:

    sir there are no images over this file and all other pay roll files plese kindly send me the images and all other things to my mail id thak u

  2. Hello Vishwanath,
    Thanks a lot for drawing my attention about it. This happen due to migration of server from one host to another. I will make the image available soon. Sorry, I do not provide personalized service to anybody by sending them information on their mail ID. Only our clients can avail such premium support.
    So, you have to come here to view the image and to learn furhter

  3. Hello sir,
    i need tally payroll notes
    i want to know who to create from starting to end
    recently i download but in between the steps are not understand by me even the amount is not showing correctly
    i request to u pls send me notes or link what ever
    adjust by u…

    1. Ather,
      I am sorry, I do not have any notes, However, you can look at the official website of the Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd there is a detailed help file is available and I am sure you will find that very useful.

  4. vishal kumar says:

    sir there are no images over this file and all other pay roll files plese kindly send me the images and all other things to my mail id thak u

  5. Plz Send me complete movee of attendence and production pay method of Tally 9.0.

  6. sanjay awasthi says:

    Dear Sir,
    Your guidance is really very useful to us.Thanks a lot.

  7. Dear Sir,

    muje telly erp main inventory update karna hain custoer wise

    e.g. ek customer hain xyz usko humne 100 magazine diya hain wo updte karna hain aur usme se 50 return aay hain bal itna bacha muje iska reprt dekhna hain pls. tell me main kaise update karu

    2) humne magazine 6000 print karva hain usme se 5000 sare customer ko de diya bal itna bacha

  8. ismail saiyed says:

    hi sir,

    how to doing to entry in attandance master in payroll in tally.

  9. SUJIT KUMAR JHA says:


  10. Dear sir,

    I have 7 store in diffrent location (state).i am using tally erp9.
    recently i am sync.the data of all store.after data synchronizing. i am confused to see the purchase report of the store (purchase report store wise). please help ….


  11. Hello Sir,
    Is there any option to mark the daily attendance of the employee?
    Here in attendance ledger we write it for the whole month how many days he has worked.

    1. Suprabha

      You can fill up attendance on daily basis. You can also import your attendance in 1 lcik from excel to Tally, in case you prepare your attendance in Excel

  12. Thank you Sir.
    Will try it now.
    Am a beginner to tally am using tallysolutions and tallynine websites for my reference.

  13. Suresh Narkar says:

    I have created attendance and given 21 workding days for all employees and given 1 day without pay leave to one employee but when i am creating pay roll voucher for without pay employee system is not deducting 1 day salary from his gross salary. Can you please help in out?

  14. thank you sir
    best regards

  15. PAUL FAROOQ says:


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