Every day, so many tallynine readers ask me their queries through comments. It is not possible to respond each and every such query through comments.
Raising your query through a comment for an accounting software is not a good idea. I will encourage all my readers to raise their query through their Tally.erp 9 software itself.
Also accounting data is considered to be very confidentially and it should not be posted in a public forum.
Your problems relating to accounting and your data should be posted to authorised support centre only. Now you may select us your preferred authorised partner to solve all your queries relating to accounts and other matters.
Here is a snapshot for you to follow the process.
Start your Tally.ERP9
Click the Support Centre or Ctrl+H,

On the right side navigation bar , you will find a button “ New Issue”Or just simply Press Alt+N
Select new service partner if we are already not there. for this purpose you may use back space button of your key board.

Now search by Location or by Name if you are trying to search by location, then select location as Rajkot and then select I Vision Info Tech
And if you are trying to search by name, just type I Vision Info Tech

it will show you below the screen. accept it

Now post your subject and query in details
We are limiting our supports to only genuine users of Tally products.

That means now only licensed users of tally.erp 9 / tally 7.2/others version users can get our help
If you are using an unauthenticated version of any of tally products, then I will say sorry to you as now onwards, no more support will be provided to you.
DISCLAIMER : the above link indicates that we are now an authorized Tally service partner and if you buy any product from tally Solutions,by clicking the above link, we will get the same margin from tally for selling the product like as all the TSP gets. Buying product through us impose a great responsibility on us and that is our unmatched support to you. 24*7 live support through chat /email for any of your query related to tally as well as accounting problem
However, if you do not want to buy it from us, then No problem. You can still buy it direct from www.tallysolutions.com
Mahendra is founder and CEO of the I Vision Infotech, Authorised Tally Sales and Service Partner and helping Tally users to learn Tally and accounting free through this site
I am using tally account with inventory. When i see the stock summaary, I can’t get correct conusmption. As per my known consumption = Opening + Inward – Closing stock. What is the reason for not tally figure in stock summary.
I want to get net sales month wise summary
Gross sales = Goods Value + All taxes
Net Sales = Goods value Without all taxes. How to get this report from tally.
Dear Rupesh,
Please start your tally.erp 9. Press Ctrl+H and issue a new support ticket in favour of I Vision Info tech as explained in the post to get your queries settled there.
Dear Sir,
i am using tally account in gold, i want the payroll creation, for my company required, i am create some ladger as per tally brawser sort copy, i am complit the attendance sheet, payroll voucher,it is the show the in pay slip, but it is not auto count of Provident Fund 12% and ESI 1.75% and overtime, for exp.:
Worker rate per day: 200.00rs.
worker present total days in month:15 Days
overtime :- 72 Hrs.
PF Fund 12% Diduction :- 576.00rs.
ESI Fund 1.75 % Diduction:- 84.00rs.
Net Payable Amt.:- 4140.00rs. (I WANT THIS CALCULATION )
Dear Rajesh,
You need to set up pay head for provident correctly. kindly add me in yahoo messenger or Gtalk. I will help you step by step process and you will get the correct amount whatever you want.
I am also from Rajkot
please explain entry of fringe benifit tax on tally
and how to do branch account in tally explain with entry in tally
FBT have been demolished now no use to know the same.otherwise in tally there is readymade set up.
for branch accounting pleaes go through my articles on branch account.
please explain the TDS process in tally erp and how to get the form16A
Please browse the category TDS in tally.erp 9 on this blog. There is a detailed procedure I had written for the purpose you are seeking for.
In case you face any problem, please do revert back to me
hello sir,
plz give me guideline abt branch accounting tally?
ex. company from maharashtrta and one branch in gujarat.
Dear Suresh,
I have already written about branch accounting. please have a look to the same. In case you have specific query please raise it on support forum
Purchase of Stationery items from Venus void cash memo no 106 dt 05.04.09 Rs.1050/- (Cost Center – Sales)what effect will come in Tally 9 ERP
Thanks for your input.I would suggest you to raise your query on support forum
Already there is discussion going on how to make voucher entry
Plz tel me
1) some time in purchase bill freight including vat & Some time excudind so that time how to maintain one ledger a/c for both cases in excise voucher mode
2) how to enter opening bal of abstract a/c Pla a/c , cenvat a/c and other excise a/c
3)50 % cenvat available on fixed asset this year how to entery made
All queries are being answered only on support forum
Please post it there only
sir, i m making a project in erp system for my final semester.please tell me something benefit of this system as compared with normal business process
hello sir,
i m vivek
i want how to copy a single voucher entry in same company
how i copy in tally payroll voucher same company
i want learn tally erp9 3.1 hindi video
Sir/Madam, I have splited the company in two different years. But by mistakenly i have splited it before finalisation of Accounts. Now i have to delete the splited company coz now its all mess up in my tally system.. plz help me out from this.
Thanks in advance.
There is nothing like an issue in your case.
When you split a company, it will create 3 company.
01. The original company will remain as it is
02. will create twp new company our of one will be after splitting the company and the other one for the previous year up to which u have splitted your data
Just take a back up of whole of your data than delete the new company and start working in the original company as it was. once your accounts finalized, you can split that
thanks a lott…
Sir can u provide me few assignment of tally9.
related to voucher entries, VAT entries, TDS entries etc…
plz sir if u can do it i will be very grateful to u.
thank u.
in tally why payslip is not automatically made in payroll voucher
why we to do calculations of hra, pf and all…when we enter the specified formula in pay heads of hra and pf
dear sir,
while i was do the sales invoicing, upon saving, i got this message
please assit me how i can solve this issue
Please send me a screenshot of the problem through contact us page
while passing a service tax remittance entry i’m not getting the “against reference” for the bill for which i’m paying the service tax….but i’m getting it if i pass the entry on 1st of april…why is this problem occuring??
i have entered the purchase voucher entry but its showing “purchase bills to come”
Thanks in Advance. I have to queary. 1) exmple. We are Heinz distubutor. Now some time Heinz company give us promotion. and after promotion they want debit note. (this debit note is not effect any qty in stock). then how i pass debit note. 2) i have a damage goods . hOW I PASS ENTRY IN DAMAGE GOODS . WHICH ACCOUNT I DEBIT AND WHICH ACCOUNT CREDIT. PLEASE HELP ME ON THIS. IF YOU NOT GET ME PLEASE SEND ME EMAIL.
You can use the promotion items without using the inventory. Just enter the amount only.
regarding the damage goods, it does not requires any entry. In Inventory vouchers in consumption side enter the qty of the item damaged.
Hope it will server your purpose.
hello sir
i m using tally 7.2
facing a problem, in display every name of account is repeated twice in a line lyk…
ankit gupta (ankit gupta)
ankur gupta (ankur gupta)
in everything including balance sheet , vouchers and all.
I am Spliting company data for 2010-11 & 2011-12
spliting success, but 2010-11 closing Stock to be carry forward for 2011-12 opening stock but value is change why,I alter the opening stock but not accectpeted when i alter the opening stock is change the value of every time plese suggest me,
Thanking you
Sir I am Working for ERP 9 If A/c is final for 2010-11 I Spliting the data but data entry made on our operator how to lock the 2010-11 data & Just permited view the data plese suggest me,
Thanking you,
I already told you to contact your Tally Service partner from whom you have purchased the software.
Else, please write to support@tallysolutions.com
As a policy, We help only to our clients. So, I am helpless to offer any support on this issue.
Dear Sirs,
I have migrated Data’s from 7.2 to Tally ERP9.
Now i want to Up date some Data for the running Year in ERP9 migrated from 7.2 which i am unable to do it.
I will highly Appreciate your good self if you let me know the process to up date the Data in ERP9.
Will be waiting for an early reply
Thanking You,
Dipak H Shah
I use tally 9 ERP with the inventory, i get a problem if i see my end stock valuation its remaining same with no change in the figures. Hence giving me a wrong position and valuation of my inventory. Anyone here can guide what can be done to solve this problem.
When & why does this error occur “No accounting allocation” ??
Please explain..
Eagerly waiting for your reply.
Thanking you..
How To See report of only multiple unit items in Tally Erp.
i want to print party ledger in less then 30days & more then 90days
customer send the FG for rework to supplier place..after coming to supplier place we have to do job order and send to customer place….pls tel me the process flow from starting…and at the time of sales could i use sales type jobwork..
in tally – run the payroll and enable the cost center Query : under category summery transaction show salary payable – Dr and Cr entry both and Payment come Dr. only Need – only one Dr entry of salary payable under category summery
please do the need full
when we generate a bill through tally, we want that debtor balance is also show on the bill. is it possible or not.
Dear sir,
i m from nepal.i used Tally ERP 9.0.I have one problems.here tally software service provider do no help us.or do not get service correctly.how to solve this problems?
Hello sir..
How to find closing balance and expenses in tally database(Used TallyERP9+Dx-fusion)
pls help me sir..
i have problem in closing stock
suppose in balance sheet closing stock show 50000 by aotometicaly
but i want there 60000 how can i