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Inter cash/bank transactions are known as contra and there is 3 way to deal with such vouchers in tally.Using single entry method and using contra as payment/receipts voucher is the most appropriate way to record such transactions as per my experience

every professional business unit, who is using tally.erp 9 must renew its subscription to avail a host of benefits e.g. remote edit, free updates,remote view, to avail services of free lancer professionals etc. a genuine business can’t afford to stay backward by using an outdated accounting software

A journal entry is very important in preparation of books of account and finalization of financial statements. all pre paid expenses must be transfer to prepaid expenses account to ascertain correct profit of the company during a year. learn how to pass a prepaid journal entry

like any other professional payroll system, tally is a complete payroll system and it also require a one time set up for salary structure, attendance creation etc. after that entire payroll system is automated in tally. learn how to create salary structure and how to pass salary voucher in tally